

1. 「以和為本,以和為宗。」(Tai-te often emphasizes the importance of harmony and peace.)

2. 「無我利他」(Tai-te believes in selflessness and helping others.)

3. 「以德服人」(Tai-te believes in the power of morality and goodness to influence others.)

4. 「尊重生命,尊重他人」(Tai-te values respect for life and others.)

5. 「和氣生財」(Tai-te believes that maintaining good relationships and harmony is essential for success and wealth.)

6. 「忍人所不能忍,行人所不能行。」(Tai-te teaches that one should endure what others cannot endure and fulfill what others cannot fulfill.)

7. 「知足常樂」(Tai-te believes in the importance of being content and always finding happiness in simplicity and tranquility.)

