

Oh, where, oh, where can they be?

That all wise birds should fly away.

In winter's cruel grip they must have run,

But where, oh, where can they have gone?

The geese have all returned to roost,

But where are the flocking fowl?

The eagles and hawks keep watchful eye,

But where, oh, where can they fly?

Throughout the gloom of wintry days,

Oh, where do they find a place?

A refuge for weary wings to rest,

But where, oh, where can they rest?

Yet through the snowflakes' frigid blast,

Can it be they have no lack?

Of food, of warmth, of safety sure,

But where, oh, where can they live?

The birds are not lost in some far-off land,

But close by, surely we shall find them.

We hope and pray in silent awe

They find a place in winter's midst.

