

* The sky is like a vast and endless expanse, vast beyond comprehension.

* The sky is blue and beautiful, just like your eyes, tender and full of love.

* The sky is always there for you, no matter what happens.

* The sky is high, the future is bright.

* The sky is a mirror of our thoughts, reflecting our dreams and desires.

* The sky is a vast emptiness that begs to be filled with our imagination.

* The sky is a beautiful painting, with clouds as the brushes and the sun as the colors.

* The sky is a storybook, filled with wonders and adventures.

* The sky is a magical place where dreams come true.

* The sky is the limit, so go ahead and soar.

* The sky is the highest point in the world, so go ahead and reach for the stars.

* The sky is an endless expanse of possibility, an open door to infinite adventure.

* The sky is blue, the clouds drift by, and I am here for you.

* Sky, it seems to me, is an ocean of hope.

* I see my future in the sky.

* I dream big dreams, but my eyes are always on the sky above my head.

