1. "Heartbreak is like a fire, it burns and burns, but with time, it can be put out."
2. "Life goes on, and so can I, but my heart will always remember the one who left."
3. "When you lose someone you love, you may feel like the world has ended, but you will find that the world keeps on turning."
4. "Time heals all wounds, but it also brings new ones."
5. "You may have lost someone, but life is full of new opportunities waiting to be seized."
6. "Life is full of changes, some good, some bad, but it's always worth it to keep moving forward."
7. "Life is beautiful, even when it hurts."
8. "It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to cry, but remember, tomorrow is another day."
9. "The world is full of people who will love you, even if they're not the one you lost."
10. "Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let go and move on."