

* A woman's value is not determined by her income, but by her ability to stand on her own feet.(女人的價值不在於她的收入,而在於她獨立自主的能力。)

* Independent women achieve their dreams through their own efforts, not others.(獨立女性通過自己的努力實現夢想。)

* A woman's worth is not determined by her relationships, but by her ability to rely on herself.(女人的價值不在於她的關係,而在於她依賴自己的能力。)

* A woman who stands on her own two feet is the most beautiful.(一個女人靠自己的雙腳站立是最美的。)

* A woman should not rely on others to complete herself.(女人不應該依賴別人來完善自己。)

* A woman's true value is reflected in her character, not her relationships.(一個女人的真正價值在於她的品格,而不是她的關係。)

