

1. 如果你想讓別人真正地幫助你,就要讓他看到你的決心和信心。

If you want others to truly help you, make them see your determination and confidence.

2. 只有通過不懈的努力和堅持,我們才能實現我們的夢想和目標。

Only through unremitting effort and persistence can we achieve our dreams and goals.

3. 無論遇到多大的困難,我們都不能放棄我們的信念和目標。

No matter how big the difficulties are, we cannot give up our beliefs and goals.

4. 友誼是我們生活中最美好的一部分,它能夠給我們帶來無盡的快樂和支持。

Friendship is the most beautiful part of our life, it can bring us endless happiness and support.

5. 無論在什麼情況下,我們都應該保持積極樂觀的態度,因為這會給我們帶來更多的機會和可能性。

No matter what the situation is, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, because it will bring us more opportunities and possibilities.
