

* 友情建立在相互尊重的基礎上。Friendship is built on mutual respect.

* 真摯的友誼讓我們的心永不孤立。Deep friendships make us feel never alone.

* 朋友是最重要的。Friends are the most important.

* 朋友永遠是我們心靈的支柱。Friends are always a pillar of support for our soul.

* 最好的朋友會在你需要的時候伸出援手。The best friend is the one who reaches out a helping hand when you need it the most.

* 友誼是人生的調味品。Friendship is a condiment in life.

* 最好的朋友永遠不會背棄我們。The best friend will never turn their back on us.

* 朋友是人生中最寶貴的財富。Friends are the most precious asset in life.

* 友誼是一種相互信任的關係。Friendship is a relationship of mutual trust.

