

1. 強調主題:重申你的主要觀點,以確保讀者能夠清楚地理解你的立場。

例句:In conclusion, it is clear that (主題詞) has significant benefits and drawbacks. It is essential that we weigh these carefully before making a decision.

2. 提供行動指南:向讀者展示如何將你的建議或觀點套用到現實生活中。

例句:To achieve (目標), it is essential to adopt (建議), which can be easily implemented in daily life.

3. 情感升華:通過表達積極或深刻的情感來深化主題,並給讀者留下深刻的印象。

例句:By considering (主題), we can see that there is much to learn and appreciate in the world around us.

4. 提出開放性問題:留下一個懸而未決的問題或討論,引發讀者進一步的思考和討論。

例句:In conclusion, it remains to be seen whether (主題詞) will truly benefit society in the long run.

