

1. 「祝福你們兩個,願愛情永遠伴隨你們!」

「Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness!」

2. 「願你們的婚姻如詩如畫,美滿長久!」

「May your marriage be like poetry and painting, happy and long lasting!」

3. 「祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!」

「Congratulations on your wedding, may you both live a hundred years in happiness!」

4. 「願你們的婚姻充滿愛和歡笑,一起走過人生的每一個階段!」

「May your marriage be filled with love and laughter, walking through every stage of life together!」

5. 「祝你們新婚甜蜜,白頭偕老,幸福美滿!」

「Congratulations on your wedding, may you both grow old together with happiness and fulfillment!」

6. 「願你們的愛情像星星一樣永恆,像太陽一樣耀眼!」

「May your love last forever like stars and shine bright like the sun!」

7. 「祝你們婚姻美滿,幸福長久,一生相伴!」

「Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and companionship, as your marriage blossoms and lasts!」
