1. 「恭喜你,祝你們婚姻美滿,幸福長久!」
「Congratulations, may your marriage be filled with happiness and long lasting!」
2. 「願你們的愛情如同美酒,越陳越香!」
「May your love be like fine wine, getting better with age!」
3. 「祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!」
「Congratulations on your wedding, may you both live a hundred years in happiness!」
4. 「願你們的婚姻如同春天般溫暖,秋天般豐碩!」
「May your marriage be as warm as spring and as fulfilling as autumn!」
5. 「祝你們新婚甜蜜,白頭偕老!」
「Congratulations on your sweet wedding, may you both grow old together!」
6. 「願你們的愛情永遠如初見,幸福美滿!」
「May your love forever be as fresh as the first moment you met, filled with happiness and fulfillment!」