1. 仁者愛人。
Love is the attribute of the benevolent.
2. 反省內求。
To reflect and seek within oneself.
3. 生於憂患,死於安樂。
To be born in difficulties and die in comfort.
4. 老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。
One should respect their own elders, and also others' elders; one should cherish their own young, and also others' young.
5. 盡信書,不如無書。
To believe books, without first verifying one's own observations.
6. 大孝事親。
The greatest filial piety is to take care of one's parents.
7. 民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕。
The people are the most important, followed by the country and then the monarch.
8. 得道多助,失道寡助。
The right path attracts many supporters, while the wrong path attracts few.
9. 天時不如地利,地利不如人和。
Good weather is not as important as favorable terrain, which is not as important as good relations among the people.
10. 富貴不能淫。
Wealth and fame should not corrupt one's integrity.