

1. Safety is everyone's responsibility. 安全是每個人的責任。

2. Always use proper safety equipment when working. 工作時一定要使用適當的安全設備。

3. It's important to follow safety rules and procedures. 遵守安全規則和程式是很重要的。

4. Be alert and cautious in dangerous areas. 在危險區域要警覺和小心。

5. Stay vigilant and avoid taking risks that could compromise your safety. 要保持警惕,避免冒險行事,以免危及自身安全。

6. Take precautions to prevent accidents and ensure a safe work environment. 要採取預防措施,防止事故發生,並確保全全的工作環境。

7. Safety first, and always put safety before efficiency. 安全第一,始終把安全放在效率的前面。

8. Remember to look both ways before crossing the road. 記住在過馬路時要左右看。

9. Protect yourself from electrical hazards. 保護自己免受電的危險。

10. Be aware of potential hazards and take steps to minimize them. 要意識到潛在的危險,並採取措施將其最小化。
