

1. 人生就是一列開往墳墓的列車,路途上會有很多站,很難有人可以自始至終陪著走完。當陪你的人要下車時,即使不捨也該心存感激,然後揮手道別。

Life is like a train ride to the cemetery. There will be many stops along the way, and it's difficult to have someone accompany you all the way. When the person who is accompanying you needs to get off, even if you don't want to, you should still be grateful and say goodbye with a wave.

2. 我們明明在睡覺的時候身體卻跟著夢境顫抖在夢裡想著逃跑卻在現實處處碰壁 我漸漸覺得有想死的心 宮崎駿大人說的這句話可能是世界上最殘忍的一句話了吧 感覺用文字描述再怎麼美好都沒有實際去看宮崎駿說的時候帶給人的衝擊要來得強烈得多 如果有機會真的想去現場看看他的手稿他的面容 以及這句話

The part in which Mr. Miyazaki said "we human beings are on a collision course with death" is probably the most heartbreaking sentence in the world. No matter how beautiful it is described with words, it doesn't have the same impact as seeing it with your own eyes. If given the chance, I really want to go see his sketches, his face, and his words in person.


We humans are on a collision course with death.

宮崎駿名言的英文翻譯:We human beings are on a collision course with death。

