

* 「起床了,小懶蟲,陽光已經曬到你的臉龐啦!」 - Get up, lazy bones, the sun has already come to your face!

* 「多吃蔬菜,對身體好喔!」 - "Eat more vegetables, it's good for your body!"

* 「好好學習,天天向上!」 - "Study hard and make progress everyday!"

* 「爸媽辛苦工作都是為了你喔,要懂得感恩。」 - "Mom and dad worked hard for you, you should be grateful."

* 「如果你感覺累了,就好好休息吧。」 - "If you feel tired, take a good rest."

* 「你是媽媽的驕傲!」 - "You are mom's pride!"

* 「我們是一家人,要互相扶持。」 - "We are one family, we should support each other."

* 「做錯事不要緊,重要的是要勇於承認並改正。」 - "It's okay to make mistakes, what matters is to own up and correct them."

* 「我相信你,你一定能做到!」 - "I believe in you, you can do it!"

* 「我們要珍惜在一起的時光,因為時光不等人。」 - "We should cherish the time together, because time does not wait."

