

* 風雨不改,天天餵你。Rain or shine, I will feed you every day.

* 你若不離,我必不棄。As long as you stay, I will never give up on you.

* 不管你在哪裡,我都會找到你。No matter where you are, I will find you.

* 你吃飯的樣子,最可愛了。The way you eat is the cutest.

* 我只想你健康快樂每一天。I just want you to be healthy and happy every day.

* 我不知道你是我的寵兒,還是我的命中注定。I don't know whether you are my pet or fate.

* 寵物和人類在一起,有時候就像是兩個世界最好的交集。Pet and human together, sometimes it's like the best intersection of two different worlds.

* 我寧願做你無聊時的消遣,也不願看到你難過。I would rather be your entertainment when you are bored, than see you sad.

