* 「Welcome to our tour company, and I am glad to be your tour guide.」(歡迎來到我們旅行社,很高興成為您的導遊。)
* 「Let me introduce our tour bus and the itinerary today.」(讓我介紹一下我們的旅遊巴士和今天的行程。)
* 「Please remain in your seat and follow my instructions when boarding/alighting from the bus.」(請在車上始終坐在自己的座位上,上下車時請聽從我的指示。)
* 「Please pay attention to your safety when walking on the beach.」(請注意在海灘上行走時的安全。)
* 「If you have any questions or need any assistance during the tour, please don』t hesitate to ask me for help.」(如果您在旅行中有什麼問題或需要幫助,請隨時向我詢問。)
* 「Thank you for choosing our company for your travel needs. We hope you enjoy your tour!」(感謝您選擇我們公司進行旅行。希望您享受這次旅行!)