

* 人生就像一個舞台,如果你不會表演,你只好被淘汰。 (Life is like a stage, if you can't act, you'll be eliminated.)

* 人生總是如此,先讓你哭,再讓你笑。 (Life is always like that. It makes you cry first, and then make you laugh.)

* 不要害怕失敗,因為沒有人是常勝將軍。 (Don't be afraid of failure, because no one is a real-life invincible superhero.)

* 世界不在乎你的痛苦,而在於你的笑。 (The world doesn't care about your pain, but about your smile.)

* 快樂是一種選擇,你可以選擇快樂,也可以選擇悲傷。 (Happiness is a choice, you can choose to be happy or choose to be sad.)

* 不要讓失敗成為你的枷鎖,要把它變成你的墊腳石。 (Don't let failure become your shackle, turn it into your stepping stone.)

