The story follows the daily lives of the four female protagonists: Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth. The novel is set in 19th-century America and tells the story of their struggle to find happiness in their own ways.
Jo, the outspoken and intellectual one, dreams of becoming a writer. She strives to make her dreams come true despite her family's financial struggles.
Meg, the eldest sister, dreams of being a devoted wife and mother. She finds herself in a loveless marriage but still tries to maintain a happy family life.
Amy, the spoiled and whimsical sister, wants to pursue her artistic talent and be independent. She is faced with challenges from her mother who wants her to focus on homemaking.
Beth, the delicate and shy sister, suffers from a lung disease that threatens her life. She finds comfort in her family and the kindness of others.
The novel explores themes such as family, love, sacrifice, and happiness, showing that everyone has their own unique path to follow. The story also sheds light on the challenges women faced in early 19th-century America, emphasizing the importance of finding inner peace and happiness.