

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a Little Red Hen who lived alone in the forest. She was very hungry and always looking for something to eat. One day, she found a ripe apple and was very happy. She picked it up and started to eat it, but she soon realized that she was alone in the forest and she needed to do everything herself.

The Little Red Hen carried the apple back to her house and decided to make a pie with it. She mixed the ingredients together and started to work on the pie. But she soon realized that she couldn't finish it alone, so she decided to call her friends and family to help her.

However, none of them came. They all claimed that they were busy or didn't have time. The Little Red Hen was sad and angry, but she decided to keep working on the pie alone. She baked it and ate it happily all by herself.

From then on, she realized that she couldn't rely on others to do everything for her, and she learned to be more independent. She continued to live in the forest and grow her own food, building a successful life for herself.

