* 只有用心靈才能看得清事物的本質,真正重要的東西是肉眼無法看見的。
* Only with the heart can one see truly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
* 正因為你在你的玫瑰身上花費了時間,這才使她變得如此名貴。
* Just for the time you spent on your rose, that makes her so special.
* 只有小孩子知道自己在想什麼。他們還不知道一切事都會變成大人。
* Only children know what they are thinking about. They don't know that everything will become an adult.
* 那你要玫瑰花做什麼呢?你澆水讓她生長又有什麼用呢?你為了她做了些什麼呢?
* What are you doing with your rose? What does watering her and growing her do? What do you do for her?
* 這就如同花一樣,如果你愛上了一朵在一顆星星上的花,那麼夜間,你看著天空就感到甜蜜愉快,所有的星星上都有花。
* It's like that for flowers. If you love a flower that's growing in the sand by the ocean, nothing else in the world will ever be as beautiful.
* 星星之所以美麗,是因為某一顆星星上有某個人注視著它。
* The stars are beautiful because of a star that someone loves.