

* 「小王子為什麼是唯一的。」 「因為他是我唯一的玫瑰。」 「我這就帶你去看我的玫瑰。」 「This is the only star in the world. Because it is my only rose.」 「I'll take you to see my rose.」

* 「儀式在任何地方都是必須的,即便是一顆小小星球,也得要有它自己的定期大炮日才行。」 "Rites are necessary in any case, even on a planet as small as mine, it had to have its own periodic星球大炮節."

* 「小王子一旦認為重要的事,就不容忽視。」 "Once you've adopted an idea, it's best not to neglect it."

* 「只有用心去看,才能看清事物的本質;真正重要的東西,肉眼是看不見的。」 "Only with the heart can one see the heart's true beauty. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

* 「如果你想造一艘船,不要召集各色各樣的人,而要召集渴望大海的夥伴。」 "If you want to build a ship, don't gather people who agree on how to build it, but people who are willing to swim."

* 「因為你把它當作你的中心,所以你分不清究竟是在愛玫瑰,還是在只愛我的狐狸。其實你在愛我。你在為你的玫瑰感到抱歉。你是一個溫柔的人。」 "Because you gave it your heart, you can't tell whether you love the rose or only the fox that I am. You love me. You feel sorry for your rose." "You are a kind person."

