
故事標題:The Littlest Angel

Once upon a time, there was a little angel named Tiny. He was the smallest and smallest of all the angels in heaven, but he was full of joy and hope. One Christmas Eve, Tiny decided to visit earth to see what was going on down here.

As he landed on a Christmas tree, he heard a loud scream coming from a little girl named Lily. Tiny followed the sound and found Lily crying because she had lost her favorite ornament. She had been decorating the tree with her parents when she suddenly lost her grip on the ornament.

Tiny felt sorry for Lily and decided to help her find it. He searched high and low but couldn't find it anywhere. Suddenly, he heard a twig snap and looked up to see the ornament was stuck on a branch. He stretched his little wings as high as he could and managed to grab it.

Lily's face lit up when she saw the ornament in Tiny's hand. She hugged him tightly and thanked him for his help. As she did, she noticed a small silver medallion hanging from his neck. It said "From Angel Tiny" engraved on it.

Lily's parents came over and were amazed to see Tiny. They thanked him for his kindness and generosity. They invited him to stay for Christmas dinner, but Tiny declined, saying he had to get back to heaven.

As he flew back to heaven, Tiny thought about how much he had enjoyed his visit to earth. He realized that he had learned a valuable lesson about the importance of kindness and generosity. From then on, he would always remember that Christmas was not only about presents and decorations, but also about sharing joy and kindness with others.

That was the story of the Littlest Angel, and he left a lasting impression on everyone he met that Christmas Eve.
