小資史特龍(Leonardo DiCaprio飾)的經典臺詞可以包括以下一些:
1. "I'll be back."(我會回來的。)
2. "It's my life."(這是我的人生。)
3. "I'm the king of the world!"(我是世界之王!)
4. "I'll take that bite out of your soul."(我要將那噬魂的痛楚奪走。)
5. "It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."(重要的不是你有多大力,而是你有多堅定。當你被擊倒時,你還能不能繼續前進。)
6. "We are all dreaming of a chance to be something more than we are."(我們都夢想著一個機會,能夠超越我們自己,成為更好的自己。)
7. "If you're going to fail, fail fast, fail bright, that's the way I like to live my life."(如果你打算失敗,那就要迅速、光輝地失敗。這是我喜歡的生活方式。)