

* 那些將被載入史冊的強者們,只在乎人們是否會銘記他們,而所謂真理和善良只是他們的藉口和掩護。

Those who will go down in history care only about whether they are remembered by people, and so-called truth and goodness are merely their pretexts and cover.

* 你的高貴並非來自你頭上至高的王冠,而是來自你腳踏之路的泥濘。

Your nobility does not come from the lofty crown on your head, but from the mud beneath your feet.

* 人的偉大源於他試圖變得真實,而不是變得舒適。

The greatness of a person lies in his attempt to become authentic, not in becoming comfortable.

* 不要因為看見別人走得很好而嫉妒,要知道你走的是一條不同的路。

Don't envy others who are doing well, know that you are taking a different path.

* 你們應當感謝痛苦和失望,因為它們已經增進了你們的勇氣。

You should be grateful for pain and disappointment, because they have increased your courage.

* 任何一種高尚的衝動在骨子裡都是悲劇的,這是生活決定的,與藝術無關。

Any noble impulse is, at its core, tragic, determined by life, not art.

* 我們需要最強大的意志去抵抗最強大的敵人,也需要最深刻的痛苦來克服最艱難的時刻。

We need the strongest will to resist the strongest enemy, and also the deepest pain to overcome the most difficult moment.

