

1. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."(你的時間有限,所以不要浪費它去過別人的生活。)

2. "If you're not willing to learn, your future will be dim."(如果你不願意學習,你的未來將會黯淡無光。)

3. "The world won't care about how much you know until it cares about how much you care."(世界不會在意你的知識,除非世界在意你的關心。)

4. "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."(預測未來的最好方法就是創造未來。)

5. "Be fearful of loss and greedy for gain, and you will win."(對虧損感到恐懼,對收益貪婪,你就會成功。)

6. "I would rather be accused of being too greedy than not being greedy enough."(我寧願被指責貪婪,也不願不夠貪婪。)

7. "I don't invest in people, businesses or industries, I invest in ideas."(我不會投資於人、企業或行業,我是投資於想法。)

