1. 年年有餘(nián nián yǒu yú):意思是每年都有多餘的糧食和財富,寓意著富饒、充裕。
2. 歲歲平安(suì suì píng ān):意思是每年都平安無事,寓意著生活平安、安寧。
3. 步步高升(bù bù gāo shēng):意思是每年職位或級別都有所提升,寓意著事業有成、進步。
4. 金玉滿堂(jīn yù mǎn táng):意思是財富充裕,像金子和美玉一樣滿堂都是,寓意著富裕、豐饒。
5. 喜氣洋洋(xǐ qì yáng yáng):意思是充滿了歡樂和喜慶的氣氛,寓意著好運和幸福。
6. 福如東海,壽比南山(fú rú dōng hǎi,shòu bǐ nán shān):意思是福氣像東海一樣無窮無盡,壽命像南山一樣長久。是對老人的一種祝福和讚美。
1. May all your wishes come true and bring you prosperity and happiness throughout the year.
2. Wishing you a year filled with joy and good luck.
3. May your career soar and reach new heights in the coming year.
4. May your family be filled with joy and happiness and overflowing with prosperity.
5. May the joy and happiness you bring to others be returned to you tenfold.
6. May you live long and healthy, filled with happiness and surrounded by love.