

1. 謝謝你們,感謝大家一年來的陪伴和支持。

Thank you all, appreciate your companionship and support throughout the year.

2. 感謝大家為公司做出的貢獻,我們將繼續努力,共同成長。

Thank you all for your contributions to the company. We will continue to work hard and grow together.

3. 感謝每一位同事,你的付出和努力讓我們的工作更加出色。

Thank you to every colleague, your efforts make our work better.

4. 感謝大家的支持和幫助,讓我們能夠克服困難,取得成功。

Thank you all for your support and help, it made us overcome difficulties and achieve success.

5. 感謝大家的陪伴和付出,我們將繼續努力,打造更好的未來。

Thank you all for your companionship and hard work, we will continue to work hard and build a better future.

