* 我愛你,為了你的幸福,我願意放棄一切——I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything.*
* 愛情就像一顆晶瑩的水晶,它需要我們用心的去呵護,用愛去澆灌,才能讓它綻放出最美的花朵——Love is like a crystal clear crystal, it needs our careful care, nurturing with love, to bloom into the most beautiful flower.*
* 在愛情的國度里,只要你願意去付出,你就能感受到幸福——As long as you are willing to give in love, you can feel happy in the country of love.*
* 愛是包容而不是放縱,愛是關懷而不是寵愛,愛是相互交融而不是單相思——Love is about tolerance rather than indulgence, about care rather than pampering, about mutual integration rather than unrequited love.*
* 愛情就像一顆種子,需要我們用心的去呵護,用愛去澆灌,才能讓它在我們的生命中生根發芽——Love is like a seed, which needs our careful care and watering with love, for it to take root and sprout in our lives.*