

1. 「願你像顆種子,勇敢地衝破泥沙,將嫩綠的幼芽伸出地面,指向天空。」 May you be like a seed, bravely breaking through the mud and sand, stretching out the tender green芽 towards the sky.

2. 「祝你在未來的日子裡,勇往直前,實現你的夢想! Congratulations and good luck in your future, achieving all your dreams!」

3. 「願你像陽光一樣,照亮自己的人生之路,快樂成長,願你的未來充滿希望和光明。」 May you shine like the sun, lighting up your own path in life, growing happily, and filled with hope and brightness in your future.

4. 「恭喜你畢業,祝願你在未來的路上,繼續勇敢前行,實現你的夢想!」 Congratulations on graduating, and good wishes for continuing to bravely advance in your future journey, achieving all your dreams!

5. 「祝你前程似錦,未來可期,永遠快樂,充滿活力!」 Wishing you a bright future ahead, filled with joy and vitality forever!

