


Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Spot. One day, he went out to explore the forest and found himself lost. He was hungry and began to wander around looking for something to eat.

Suddenly, Spot came across a beautiful patch of mushrooms. They were bright and colorful, and he knew they would be a tasty treat. But he also knew that some of the mushrooms could be poisonous, so he didn't want to take any chances.

Spot decided to ask the help of his friend, a wise owl who lived in the forest. The owl taught Spot how to identify the safe mushrooms and how to avoid the poisonous ones. Spot listened carefully and soon learned how to distinguish the good ones from the bad.

He gathered a basket full of delicious mushrooms and headed back to his house. On the way home, Spot was happy and full of energy. He knew that he had learned an important lesson about being careful and asking for help when he needed it.

誦唱時,可以配合動作和表情來幫助幼兒理解故事內容。例如,當唱到「Spot came across a beautiful patch of mushrooms」時,可以做一個發現蘑菇的動作;當唱到「he gathered a basket full of delicious mushrooms」時,可以做一個滿載而歸的動作。這樣的方式可以幫助幼兒更好地理解和記憶故事內容。
