

1. "I want to" = I would like to

2. "I am" = It is

3. "not" = "no"

4. "it is" = "this is" 或 "that is"

5. "it is not" = "it is no"

6. "what" = "what color" 或 "what shape"

7. "where" = "where is"

8. "when" = "when did" 或 "how long"

9. "red" = "R"

10. "yellow" = "YY"

11. "blue" = "BB"

12. "banana" = "b-a-n-a-n-a"

13. "eat" = "to eat"

14. "eat some bread" = "to eat some bread"

15. "eat it with me" = "eat it with me and/or..."

16. "eat it now" = "eat it now!"

17. "drink milk now" = "drink milk now!"

18. "watermelon" = "water-mel-o-n"

19. "I like apples and bananas." = I like apples and I like bananas.

20. "What color is your shirt?" = What color shirt is your?

