

* 彩虹總在風雨後。 The rainbow always appears after the rain.

* 彩虹是陽光的酒,是天使的禮物。 The rainbow is the wine of sunlight, the gift of an angel.

* 彩虹的美麗,是大自然賦予的,不是金錢可以買到的。 The beauty of the rainbow is nature's gift, not something that can be bought with money.

* 彩虹是希望的象徵,也是愛的象徵。 The rainbow is a symbol of hope and love.

* 彩虹是陽光和水的完美結合,是希望和夢想的象徵。 The rainbow is a symbol of the perfect combination of sunshine and water, hope and dreams.

* 彩虹是雨過天晴的象徵,也是一切美好的象徵。 The rainbow is a symbol of a clear sky after a rainy day, and everything beautiful.

