

1. "If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one."

2. "It's not the size of the heart, but the size of the fight."

3. "If you want to be a doctor, be a doctor. If you want to be a nun, be a nun. But always do it with love."

4. "If you can't do good, at least do no harm."



* "如果你不能養活一百個人,那就先試著去養活一個人吧。"

* "不是心的容量大小,而是鬥爭的決心大小。"

* "如果你想當醫生,那就當醫生。如果你想當修女,那就當修女。但無論做什麼,都要帶著愛心去做。"

* "如果你不能行善,至少不要作惡。"


* "If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one."

* "It's not the size of the heart, but the size of the fight."

* "If you want to be a doctor, be a doctor. If you want to be a nun, be a nun. But always do it with love."

* "If you can't do good, at least don't do harm."
