

* 我的心臟是紙做的,碎了無數次,但總是能重新拼湊起來。

My heart is made of paper, broken countless times, but it can always be reassembled.

* 心情不好的時候,做個深呼吸,不過是糟糕的一天而已,沒什麼大不了。

When I'm feeling down, take a deep breath, it's just a bad day, it's not the end of the world.

* 心情不好的時候,我選擇讀書,選擇讓自己安靜下來。

When I'm feeling down, I choose to read books and let myself be quiet.

* 心情不好的時候,我喜歡一個人去海邊散步。

When I'm feeling down, I like to go for a walk on the beach by myself.

* 當你心情不好的時候,你要知道這世界上還有很多人比你更糟糕。

When you're feeling down, you should know that there are many people in this world who are worse off than you.

