

* 忍耐是痛苦的,但結果會很甜蜜。 Patience is painful, but the result will be sweet.

* 忍耐是人生中的一種策略,需要深呼吸。 Patience is a strategy in life, which needs deep breathing.

* 忍耐是一種智慧,也是一種修行。 Patience is a kind of wisdom and a kind of cultivation.

* 忍耐不是怯懦,而是沉穩和冷靜。 Patience is not weakness, but calmness and rationality.

* 忍耐不是屈服,而是積蓄力量。 Patience is not submission, but accumulating strength.

* 忍耐是人生的必修課,它教會我們如何成長。 Patience is the essential course in life, which teaches us how to grow up.

* 忍耐是通向成功的必由之路,需要我們堅定不移地走下去。 Patience is the only path to success, which requires us to steadfastly continue to walk.
