* 願你倆情比海深。 May you two have a deep and true love.
* 祝你的愛情永恆不變。 Wishing your love endures forever.
* 願你倆恩恩愛愛,意篤情深。 May you both have an unbreakable bond of love.
* 願你倆永浴愛河,白頭偕老。 May you both always enjoy the love and companionship of each other, and grow old together.
* 願你倆的愛情像寶石一樣美麗。 May your love be as beautiful as a gem.
* 祝你倆幸福美滿,百年好合。 Wishing you both happiness and fulfillment, and a lifetime of love together.
* 願你倆的愛情像花兒一樣綻放。 May your love bloom like a flower.
* 祝你倆幸福快樂,甜甜蜜蜜。 Wishing you both joy and happiness, and sweetness in your love.