* 願你倆用愛去纏著對方,彼此互相體諒和關懷,共同分享今後的苦與樂。 May you two use love to enfold each other, understand and care for each other, share the hardships and pleasures of the future together.* 今天是你們喜結良緣的日子,我代表我家人祝賀你們,祝你倆幸福美滿,永壽偕老。 Today is the day you celebrate your engagement, and I would like to congratulate you on behalf of my family. I wish you both a happy life filled with happiness and togetherness, and may you grow old together.* 真誠的祝福你:新婚快樂,百年好合,永結同心。 I sincerely wish you a happy wedding, a good marriage, and eternal unity.* 祝福你們兩個,願你們的愛情永遠不變,幸福美滿,白頭偕老。 Wishing you both love forever that never changes, happiness and contentment, and a lifetime of companionship.