
在《惡靈古堡》中,里昂(Leon S. Kennedy)有一些著名名言:

1. "Survival is not always about living." (生存,並不僅僅是為了活著。)

2. "This is my world now, just like it was for you." (現在這個世界,已經屬於我了,就像過去你的世界一樣。)

3. "We have to stay strong and fight." (我們必須保持堅強,繼續戰鬥。)

4. "You're not alone, partner." (你不是一個人,搭檔。)

5. "This isn't over yet." (這還沒結束。)

6. "You've got to believe, even if it's the last thing you do." (你必須保持信念,即使這是你做的最後一件事。)

7. "The truth is out there." (真相就在那裡。)

8. "This isn't just a game, this is survival." (這不僅僅是一個遊戲,這是生存。)

