1. 當你不能再擁有,你唯一可以做的,就是不要忘記。(Time and again, the only thing you can do when you can no longer have something is not to forget it.)
2. 空間、時間和物質可以組成科學上的統一理論,但要達到這一步,人類必須發現新的概念,並用新的方式組織它們。(Space, time, and matter can form a scientific unified theory, but to reach this point, humans must discover new concepts and organize them in a new way.)
3. 人們所努力追求的不過是更加富裕而已,但是為什麼我們不能領悟到人生的意義,為什麼我們的努力最後總是勞而無功呢?(What people strive for is just to be richer, but why can't we understand the meaning of life, and why our efforts always end in vain?)
4. 世界上最大的惡就是輕蔑自己。
5. 一個人對社會的價值首先取決於他的感情、思想和行動對增進人類利益有多大作用。(The value of a person to society depends first of all on how his emotions, thoughts, and actions contribute to the advancement of humanity.)