1. Missing you is like a heartache. (想你是我心裡的一種難過。)
2. Love is like a heartache, but it』s a beautiful heartache. (愛情就像心痛,但它很美麗。)
3. It』s easier to burn out than to fade away. (燃燒不如褪去。)
4. A person walks by and we don』t even know if they are real or not.(人從我們身邊走過,我們甚至不知道他們是真實還是虛假。)
5. When two hearts collide, the shards can cut deeper than words can bruise.(當兩顆心碰撞時,碎片可以比言語更深地割傷。)
6. Love hurts, but it heals too.(愛情是傷感的,但它也能治癒。)
7. It』s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.(曾經擁有的東西,即使已經失去,也是一種紀念。)
8. Time heals all wounds.(時間會治癒一切傷痛。)
9. I miss you, but it』s better to remember you than to forget you.(我想你,但我寧願記住你,也不願忘記你。)
10. Love is like a rainbow that disappears after the storm has passed.(愛情就像雨過天晴後的彩虹,短暫而美麗。)