1. Love never dies. 愛情永不死。
2. Love is like a flower, it requires care and attention. 愛就像一朵花,需要呵護和關愛。
3. Love is like a butterfly, it flies away. 愛就像一隻蝴蝶,它飛走了。
4. Love is a gentle flower that grows in silence. 愛是那在沉默中盛開的小花。
5. Love is like the moon, it changes with the day, but remains the same. 愛就像月亮,它隨著太陽的變換而變化,但本質不變。
6. True love is like you, irreplaceable. 真正的愛情就像你一樣,無可替代。
7. Love is a tender flower that blossoms in the heart. 愛是那朵在心中綻放的花朵。
8. Love conquers all, even time. 愛能征服一切,甚至時間。
9. Love is like the sun, never too far away. 愛就像太陽,永遠都在身邊。
10. Love never fails. 真愛永遠不會失敗。