Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a classic story by Lewis Carroll that tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls into a mysterious world full of adventures and surprises. Here is the story content in English:
One day, Alice was sitting by a river bank, daydreaming, when she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, she found herself in a magical world full of strange creatures and wonderful adventures.
In Wonderland, Alice meets many interesting characters, including the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, and many others. She experiences many strange and wonderful things, such as falling down a rabbit hole, crossing a pool of water to get to a mirror world, and participating in a crazy tea party.
Alice encounters many challenges and dangers in Wonderland, but she always manages to find a way out by using her wit and intelligence. She also learns many valuable life lessons during her journey, such as the importance of taking risks and learning from one's mistakes.
Finally, Alice returns to her real world after completing her adventures in Wonderland, but she leaves a deep impression on the magical world and the wonderful experiences she had there.