

感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)是西方國家的傳統節日,通常在每年的11月的第四個星期四。在這一天,人們會向家人、朋友、社區成員等表達感激之情,感謝他們給予的支持、關愛和幫助。



「Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect on the good things in life and express gratitude for the blessings we have received. It is a day to appreciate the people who have supported us, cared for us, and helped us through the challenges of the past year.

Gratefulness is a beautiful emotion that connects us to the goodness in our lives and reminds us of the importance of giving back. Whether it』s a kind word, a helping hand, or a meal prepared for those who are less fortunate, we should always strive to be grateful and share the love.

During Thanksgiving, we reflect on the beauty of nature, the warmth of community, and the companionship of friends and family. We take time to be thankful for the simple things in life that often go unnoticed, such as the sunrise, the sound of birds singing, and the laughter of children.

Whether we are giving thanks for something big or small, it is important to remember that it is never too late to say 「thank you」. May we all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love, joy, and gratitude for all the blessings in our lives.

