

* 感謝您在我需要幫助的時候總是及時出現。 Thank you for always being there for me when I needed help.

* 你的善良和慷慨讓我深受感動。 Your kindness and generosity have moved me deeply.

* 你的支持對我來說意義重大,我永遠感激不盡。 Your support means so much to me and I am forever grateful.

* 你的禮物讓我感到無比驚喜和幸福。 The gift you gave me made me feel so surprised and happy.

* 你的幫助讓我在困難時刻有了力量。 Your help gave me strength during a difficult time.

* 無論何時何地,你的友誼對我來說都是無比寶貴的。 Your friendship means so much to me, no matter where or when.

* 你的關心和鼓勵一直是我前進的動力。 Your care and encouragement have been my driving force forward.

