

* 感謝您在我遇到困難時給予的幫助,我永遠不會忘記您的支持和關心。 Thank you for your help when I was facing difficulties. I will never forget your support and concern.

* 我要向您表達我最深的感謝,您的慷慨援助對我產生了深遠的影響。 I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your generosity, which has had a profound impact on me.

* 我想對你說聲謝謝,因為你所做的一切對我來說意義重大。 I want to say thank you because what you do means a lot to me.

* 感謝您的支持和理解,這對我在這個艱難時期是非常重要的。 Thank you for your support and understanding, which has been crucial for me during this difficult time.

* 我想藉此機會向您表達我最真誠的感謝,您的幫助對我來說是無價的。 I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest gratitude to you, your help is invaluable to me.

