

1. I'm going through a depression, feeling hopeless all the time. (我正在經歷抑鬱症,每時每刻都感到無望。)

2. Everything is grey and bleak, and I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. (一切都變得灰暗而淒涼,我看不到隧道盡頭的光明。)

3. I feel like I'm drowning in my own sorrow, and there's no way to escape. (我感覺自己淹沒在悲傷之中,無法逃脫。)

4. I wake up every morning hoping that today will be different, but it never is. (我每天早上醒來都希望今天會有所不同,但總是不行。)

5. Life seems meaningless and pointless without you by my side. (沒有你在我身邊,生活似乎失去了意義。)

6. I'm feeling lost and alone, and I don't know how to pick myself back up again. (我感覺迷失和孤獨,我不知道如何重新振作起來。)

7. I'm feeling so blue lately, and it's hard to even smile anymore. (我最近感到非常憂鬱,甚至都笑不出來。)

