

1. Anger is like drinking poison and wanting the one you love to take the sip. (憤怒就像喝毒藥然後又想愛人嘗一口。)

2. It's not about being angry, it's about being right. (這不是關於生不生氣,而是關於對不對。)

3. I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail. (我不害怕風暴因為我正在學習如何航行。)

4. Anger is like static electricity after a storm, it's best to discharge it gently and calmly. (憤怒就像暴風雨後的靜電,最好溫和而平靜地釋放它。)

5. Anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will get sick too. (憤怒就像喝毒藥並希望別人也生病一樣。)

6. Anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to apologize. (憤怒就像喝毒藥並等待別人道歉。)

