

1. "Love is like a flower that blooms on its own time." - Buddha

2. "True love is patient and true, it leans not to hope but knows in its own simplicity." - Seneca

3. "The greatest test of love is not whether you can say 'I love you' under pressure, but whether you can be loving when it seems you have nothing left to give." - Unknown

4. "Love is like a river, it flows when it wants to and it rests when it wants to." - Tao Te Ching

5. "Love is like a flame, it burns brightly at times, but is gentle and calming most of the time." - Meister Eckhart

6. "It is only with love that one can come to understand the depths of love's essence and origin, because this knowledge originates within one's own self." - Marianne Williamson

