* 成長是化繭成蝶一朝一夕的蛻變,是經歷磨難之後內心的強大,是對自己的寬恕。 Growth is a process of changing caterpillar into butterfly bit by bit, and facing challenges within one's own self with patience and confidence. Growth is also the acceptance of oneself.
* 每一次經歷都會讓我們成長,哪怕是在痛苦的境遇下。 Every experience can make us grow, even under painful circumstances.
* 成長的道路總是伴隨著挫折和困難。 The road of growth always involves setbacks and difficulties.
* 成長的歲月里我們承受的重量會漸漸變輕,內心的世界也會越來越開闊。 As we grow, the burden we bear gradually lightens, and our inner world becomes more and more expansive.
* 成長的道路上沒有捷徑,只有不斷地努力和堅持才能收穫成功。 There is no shortcut to growth, only continuous effort and perseverance can bring success.
* 人生就是一個不斷成長的過程,願你勇敢面對每一次挑戰,不斷超越自己。 Life is a continuous process of growth, may you face every challenge bravely and constantly surpass yourself.
* 成長是一次次的蛻皮,痛苦,卻也精彩,因為有了這一次的痛苦,下一次才能更加成熟,有擔當。 Growth is a process of shedding skin, painful as it may be, but it is also exciting, because without this pain, one cannot grow any more mature and responsible.