"I Like Someone"
I like someone. I don't know how to describe him, he is just so perfect for me. He is tall and handsome, with a charming smile and a gentle personality. He is always kind and considerate, and he never loses his patience even when dealing with the most difficult tasks.
He is also very intelligent, always able to solve problems quickly and efficiently. He has a broad range of interests, from sports to music, and he is always up for new experiences and learning new things.
I admire him for his intelligence and his passion for life. I envy him for his confidence and his ability to be himself, no matter what situation he finds himself in. I appreciate his honesty and his openness, which makes me feel comfortable and at ease around him.
When I am with him, I feel safe and happy. He makes me feel special and loved, and he always listens to me with an open ear. He never judges me, never puts me down, and always encourages me to be my best self.
Although I like him, I am not sure if he feels the same way about me. I hope he does, but if not, I will still cherish the memories we have shared and continue to admire him from afar. I know that there will always be someone out there who is perfect for me, but for now, this someone special is him.